5 Mar 21
Tuesday Sessions at The Bay Foodbank to Resume – April 6th 2021
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During this pandemic, we have seen volunteer numbers reduce due to self isolation, shielding and bubbles. Opening hours have also had to be adapted to keep our volunteers, staff and those needing the Foodbank safe. As we see the nation cautiously opening up, it is wonderful that The Bay Foodbank Centre will be resuming it’s […]
15 Nov 20
Reverse Advent Calendar
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Each year our Reverse Advent Calendar has proved a popular way of showing how Christmas is about giving as well as receiving. With over 950 people supported last December, and we’re expecting a 61% increase this year, this Reverse Advent Calendar is a wonderful way in which you can help local people in crisis. […]
2 Oct 20
Foodbank use forecast to rise this winter
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New research reveals food banks in the Trussell Trust network are forecast to give out six emergency food parcels a minute this winter, a 61% increase on last year. Find out more.
17 Aug 20
Why not fresh?
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With lockdown changing our shopping, eating, and growing habits, there is now a surplus of fruit and veg on the Island. This is wonderful as many are giving away their extra fruit and veg for free. In response to Social Media comments asking why we do not accept these fresh items, please allow us to […]
3 Aug 20
Job Vacancy – Volunteer Coordinator
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THIS POSITION HAS NOW BEEN FILLED. The Isle of Wight foodbank is seeking to appoint a Volunteer Coordinator. This will be a paid position for 25 hours per week. The purpose of the post is to oversee the supervision and coordination of volunteers at the Isle of Wight foodbank within in the social franchise of […]
17 Jul 20
British Gas, Red Funnel and Tesco join forces to help fight food poverty on the Isle of Wight
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Between April and July this year, over 12 tonnes of food were generously donated to us from Tesco. A team from British Gas, with the use of their British Gas vans, have collected from the Mainland then delivered this food to us every week. Red Funnel have entirely supported the crossings for two vans to […]
6 Apr 20
Partnering with Bankuet
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WE ARE PARTNERING WITH BANKUET to find an easier way for you to donate to us. Bankuet delivers the things we need, when we need them. All you need to do is click on this link to donate the things we need: * DONATE HERE: * Do you have 30 seconds? Here is a short video […]
24 Mar 20
Coronavirus and Foodbanks
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‘As the coronavirus pandemic unfolds in the UK, our main priority is ensuring the safety of everyone who comes to a food bank – whether it’s someone needing help, someone volunteering their time, or someone making a donation.’ – Trussell Trust. The Isle of Wight Foodbank will continue to run our Cowes, Newport, Ryde, Ventnor […]
20 Mar 20
We are still open
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W E A R E S T I L L O P E N. However, how we operate is looking different from today. Our Foodbanks around the Island are still open and supporting locals in crisis (apart from our Freshwater cafe). From today, food vouchers will be fulfilled with a pre-packaged food […]
19 Mar 20
Coronavirus update
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Whilst there will be changes to the way we operate, the Isle of Wight Foodbank will continue to support local people in crisis. Please check back here tomorrow for more details on what those changes will look like. We would like to thank you all for your support and also thank you for your patience as […]