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Hunger during the School Holidays
Find out how you can get help if you are one of the 40% of parents in the South East worrying about extra costs of paying for childcare this school holiday or one of 19% of parents who will skip a meal or more to feed your kids.
We know that lots of people are just getting by day-to-day but find their income simply won’t stretch to meet the extra pressure of missing free school meals or paying for extra childcare during the holidays. The foodbank really is run for the community, by the community; it’s all about helping each other and recognising that nobody on the Isle of Wight should face going hungry.
1 in 5 mums and dads surveyed expect to skip a meal during the six-week break so there will be enough food for their children to eat.
If you are struggling in this way and could benefit from the help given by the Isle of Wight Foodbank, then please contact your child’s school, your local Children’s Centre or Health visitor.